Learning Objectives

  • Trainees will develop a presentation of technical concepts tailored for a specific audience


Work together with your pair


You will explore how a professional developer explains technical concepts with simple communication to specific audiences.


What do you already know about tech presentation? (10 minutes)

Goal: Reflect on your knowledge about technical presentations

  1. Thinking about technical presentations you’ve seen, list three things that made the delivery and presentation good.

  2. When you prepare and deliver a presentation, which of the following things do you usually think about?

    • I think about who will be receiving my presentation and what they want to learn
    • I think about the key messages I want to leave my audience with
    • I try and avoid doing presentations
    • I speak quickly so that I can cover all the material
    • I leave time to interact with the audience
    • I like to make my presentation visual and appealing
    • I plan to mostly read the text on my presentation 
    • I make sure to avoid terminology my audience won’t know
    • I plan to leave pauses and look to see if my audience are following me
    • I try out my presentation with a colleague first and get their feedback
  3. When preparing the presentation in the following exercise, make sure to include at least three improvements from this list.

Prepare a tutorial (20 minutes)

Goal: Preparing the presentation for the lessons

Prepare a 3 min tutorial based on what you have learned so far. Address one of the three different audiences:

  1. A group of 10 year olds
  2. Your Manager
  3. A peer group at a similar level to you

The tutorial should explain the following:

  1. Why is it important to build accessible websites?
  2. What is an HTML tag?
  3. What is semantic HTML?
  4. What is the CSS box model?

Practice public speaking skills (20 minutes)

Goal: Be ready to present the content in class

Work with your pair on how you will present this to the class.

  • Define who will say what part of the presentation.
  • Think about possible questions that could be asked and reflect on the answers you should give.
  • Give each other feedback whilst practising.